Latest Episodes

Showtime! How Sales and Marketing Mimic Political Theatrics and Religious Storytelling
Welcome to another riveting episode of “Sales Mavericks & Marketing Rebels,” where hosts Nicholas Loise and Marco Salinas dive deep into the art of sales and marketing. In this episode, titled “Showtime! How Sales and Marketing Mimic Political Theatrics and Religious Storytelling,” we explore the fascinating intersections between sales, marketing, and other realms like politics, […]

Business and Marketing Insights with Nicholas Loise and Marco Salinas: First Episode
Welcome to the inaugural episode of the Sales Mavericks & Marketing Rebels Podcast, hosted by Nicholas Loise and Marco Salinas! In this kickoff episode, we dive deep into the essence of authenticity in sales and marketing and unveil the immense power of podcasting for business growth. Nicholas Loise, co-host and founder of the Sales Performance […]
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